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2 weeks

Time to validated prototypes

customer story

"Devvco helped position us in a way that we could raise funds, and we are excited to bring the product to life with their help."

Spencer Vance
CEO at Drivve
Drivve App
Trucking Logistics
Carson City, Nevada

Design Sprint for the Drivve App

The Client: Drivve App

Drivve is a startup that raised a seed round and has a mission to improve the safety and efficiency of truck drivers in bad weather conditions. They wanted to build an app that would provide real-time weather updates, route optimization, and emergency assistance for truckers. However, they needed to validate their idea before spending money on development. They also needed our technical expertise, as well as our help with branding and customer research. The design sprint was a foundational step in order to bring a successful mobile app to market.

The Challenge: Validate the App Idea

We decided to use Google's design sprint methodology to approach this project strategically. A design sprint is a five-day process that helps teams answer critical business questions through rapid prototyping and user testing. We worked closely with Drivve's key stakeholders to define the problem, ideate solutions, prototype the app, and test it with potential users. We went through a series of rapid prototyping and iterations on the designs, and tested those with end users.

The Result: Partnership with Devvco

The result was a compelling UI/UX clickable prototype that showcased the value proposition of Drivve's app. The prototype helped them secure more funding from investors and gave them confidence to move forward with development. The founders were thrilled with our work and praised our professionalism, creativity, and speed.

We are now working with Drivve to bring their app to market before winter. We will also provide ongoing support and training for their in-house engineers. We will also collaborate with them on future phases of the project, adding more features and functionality to the app.

This project demonstrates Devvco's expertise in product development and our ability to not only build apps, but understand them from a business perspective. We only want to build products that generate massive value for our clients and their customers.

"Devvco helped position us in a way that we could raise funds, and we are excited to bring the product to life with their help." - Spencer Vance (CEO @ Drivve)
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